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上传人:beny00001 2016/10/19 文件大小:419 KB




文档介绍:I摘要磷是国民经济发展必须的重要矿产资源,由于其难以再生的特点,它的消耗将造成严重的资源流失,各种含磷产品的消费对水体等自然环境也会产生巨大影响。可持续发展是指既满足当代人的需求又不危及后代人需求的发展模式,它能使人和自然保持和谐发展的良好状态。磷不仅是我国蕴藏量最丰富的矿物资源,而且是一种非常宝贵的化工原料。而磷化工在开采、加工和使用过程中不断地产生废弃物,极大地造成资源浪费,并对环境造成巨大威胁。在我国经济高速发展的时期,要吸取先污染后治理的经验教训,围绕磷、煤两种资源建立示范基地,通过产业链的横向耦合共生和纵向延伸发展,废弃物的资源化利用,工业生态化建设与地质灾害治理、生态移民相结合,充分体现经济、社会与环境协调发展的生态思想,实现磷、煤化工产业升级、产品结构调整,完成资源型产业生态化的转型。本文系统总结了可持续发展、循环经济和生态工业园的理论,对磷进行工业代谢分析,并在此基础上阐述了磷煤工业园的一般模式,分析了磷企业通过深加工、资源循环利用等方式所形成的可持续发展。论文通过对开阳磷煤化工基地的现状进行分析,利用循环经济的理念对开阳磷煤化工基地的可持续发展提出了对策建议,结果对于我国磷资源产业的政策、策略和实践均具有一定指导意义。关键词:可持续发展,循环经济,生态工业园IIABSTRACT Phosphorus is a most important mineral resource for China。 Since it is very difficult to recycle, the consumption of phosphorite will cause the irreversible losing of our limited mineral resources。 The use of many kinds of phosphors products also generates severe environment problems, especially for water pollution。 Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present promising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, and it can realize both the people and nature developing harmonious together。China is abundant in Phosphorus resource。 Phosphorus is a kind of valuable segregation of hydrocarbons resource and chemical raw material。 The Phosphorus industry releases waste unceasingly during the mining, processing and use process, which wastes resources and threatens the environment greatly。 With our country in the period of high-speed development in economy, we should draw lessons from the end-of-pipe control experience, construct the Phosphorus ecological industry chain and further build coal eco-industrial parks。 According to the theory of circular economy and eco-industrial park, this paper analyzes the ways in which the Phosphorus enterprises recycle resources and form the industrial chain。The Papers by kaiyang phosphorus coal chemical industry base of the current situation analysis, using the concept of recycling economy kaiyang hosphorus coal chemical industry base of sustaina