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上传人:慢慢老师 2022/3/6 文件大小:14 KB




文档介绍:The Review of Les Choristes
I watched a French film called les choristes ,which was commend by my EnglThe Review of Les Choristes
I watched a French film called les choristes ,which was commend by my English teacher, last Wednesday. I was deeply shocked by this story. It is a so good movie that it deserves everyone to watch , especially educators.
The story talked about a teacher called Mr. Matthew helped his problem students to be good persons by music, which he told students how to sing. During this process, there were so many interesting stories that showed Mr. Matthew’s great educational insights. Compared to the principal of the school, Mr. Matthew treaded students by heart, which exchanged for a good impression from students and teachers. He gave a chance to the student who made mistake and he liked to opened s


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