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文档介绍:M. A. Thesis of Chongqing University 中文摘要I摘要在技术高度发达的今天,英语科技新闻反映了国外最新的科技趋势,对于技术交流具有促进作用。因此,从外网翻译科技新闻具有实用性。就词汇而言,英语科技新闻中经常使用专有名词和缩略词,一词多义也很常见。就句法而言,英语科技新闻多被动句和长难句。尤金-奈达的功能对等理论对于科技新闻翻译具有指导作用,也对笔者翻译方法的选择产生了一定的影响。本文选取了八篇英语科技新闻,从词汇和句法两个角度讨论了奈达功能对等理论对于英语科技新闻翻译的指导意义。在奈达功能对等理论的指导下,笔者针对英语科技新闻的词汇和句法特点选择了合适的翻译方法。就词汇而言,笔者采取了音译加注、音译等翻译方法,就句法而言,笔者采用了顺译、分译等翻译方法。本文期望能够为未来的科技新闻翻译带来一些启示。关键词:科技新闻,功能对等,文体特征M. A. Thesis of Chongqing University ABSTRACTIIABSTRACTToday, technology is highly developed. English technology newsshows the latest technological trends abroad, which promotesthe exchange of technology. Therefore, it haspractical value to translate technology news from foreign news has the following stylistic features: in terms of lexical features, proper nouns, abbreviationsand polysemous wordsare frequently used in Englishtechnology news;in terms of syntactic features, passive voice plex sentences mon in English technology news. Eugene Nida’s functional equivalence theoryprovidestheoretical guidancefor the translation of technology news, and it also has an influenceon the author’s choice of translation paper selects eight pieces of technology news, and discusses the translation of technology news under the guidance of functional equivalence theory in terms of lexical featuresand syntactic features. Based on Nida’s functional equivalence theory, the author selects ording to the lexical and syntacticfeatures of technology terms of vocabulary, the author applies translation methods like transliteration, transliteration plus annotation. In terms of complex sentences, the authorselects the methods papertries toprovide inspirationsfor future translation of technology news. Key words: Technology news, Functional equivalence, Stylistic featuresM. A. Thesis of Chongqing University ContentIIIContent摘要.............................


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