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文档介绍:I摘要随着我国电力行业体制改革的深化,电力企业的多种经营迫切需要明晰产权,并逐步与主业分离,成为正直意义上自主经营、自负盈亏的市场主体。因此,各级电力企业根据现有资源重新设计企业的多元化经营的发展战略,规划未来,是摆在当前电力企业面前的一项艰巨而复杂的系统工程。重庆江电实业有限公司作为一个植根于电力企业、并与电力企业存在千丝万缕联系的企业,为谋求自身长期的稳定和发展,必须充分调动外部资源和充分利用内部资源,走多元化经营的发展战略之路。目前重庆江电实业有限公司在发展过程中存在着一些问题,为此,如何正确地分析公司内外部的环境,并基于公司的资源条件,培育自己的核心竞争力,运用科学的理论和方法,制定正确的发展战略,使公司有效的利用外部环境,充分地发挥内部资源优势,来提高公司的整体竞争力,这是摆在公司管理层面前的一个亟待解决的重大问题。论文分析研究了重庆江电实业有限公司目前所具有的资源和能力状况,准确把握该公司整个竞争要素的现状,为制定企业战略做准备。在此基础上,根据资源的特征和外部环境的变化,动态平衡,对多元化的经营可以进入的行业进行分析,通过运用波特的五种力量模型和价值链模型,结合公司内部的资源情况,科学客观的评价哪些行业是否可以进入,从而确定公司未来的战略方向、目标、方针和行动计划作出长远的、系统的、全局的谋划和抉择,并讨论实施这些战略目标的途径和保障措施。针对重庆江电实业有限公司具体的发展情况,探讨其多元化发展的战略定位、战略目标、战略模式和战略实施的途径,希望通过论文的研究工作对重庆江电实业有限公司的多元化经营发展提供一些有益的战略思考和借鉴。关键词:供电企业,多元化经营,战略管理 IIABSTRACT As China's restructuring of the electric power industry, the diversification of power enterprises urgently need to clarify property rights, and gradually main separation, a sense of integrity, self-management, self-financing mainstay of the market. Therefore, the power enterprises at all levels in accordance with existing resources redesigned diversified business enterprise development strategies and planning for the future is in place before the current power enterprises an arduous plex systems engineering project. Chongqing Jiangdian Industrial Co., Ltd has a background in the power enterprises, and enterprises with the panies exist inextricably linked to pursue its own long-term stability and development, we must fully mobilize external resources and make full use of internal resources, and take diversification the development strategy of operating the road. At present, Chongqing Jiangdian Industrial Co., Ltd. there are some issues in the development process, therefore, we must analyzed pany external environment, and based on pany's resources, nurturing pany's petitiveness, and to use scientific theories and methods and formulate correct strategies for development, so that the effective use of the external environment, and give full play internal advantages in re