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上传人:大笑大甜 2022/3/20 文件大小:44 KB




第一节 (共 10 小题;每小题 分 )
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 ( A、B、C、和 D) 中,选出最佳选项
My dad was i
It helped build her self-c on fide nee.
It enabled her to know herself better.
23. Accord ing to the author, one -confictenef grows whe n one _______ .
A. gets challe nged B. has a history with others
C. participates in sports D. feels appreciated
What do we thi nk of whe n we some one men ti ons Scandin avia 斯堪的纳维亚半岛 ) ,the group of Norther
n Europea n coun tries? Many thi ngs come to mind. We might think of the breath-tak ing natural beauty of
Norway ' s 海湾 ^. ( If we enjoyed the fairy tales of Han Christian Anderson
as childre n, perhaps we will think of Denmark s capital, Copenhagen, and its statue of Anderso
Little Mermaid (美人鱼 ) .
Perhaps we shiver at the thought of Scandin avia, as the coun tries there can be very cold. Or maybe we
imagine this part of the world, so high up in the Northern Hemisphere, as dark and a little gloomy.
What doesn ' dome to mind is people who like to party. However, according to a survey released by travel
site Hostel-world this mon th, Scandin avia has some of the most sociable cities on the pla net.
For the study, 12,188 people from cities around the world were asked about their attitudes to socializ ing.
Overall, Gothe nburg in Swede n came out on top, but Cope nhage n and Stockholm also placed highly, among
with more predictably lively cities like New York and Madrid.
A city made up of many little islands, Gothenburg is, according to The Daily Telegraph,
“ charming in an oldfashioned way ” The city ' s authorities have preserved Gothenburg ' s a
woode n houses from the
Many of these have bee n made over into restaura nt and coffee bars.
Music fans are as well satisfied too
— Gothe nburg has doze ns of record stores and live music ven