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上传人:你的晚安吻 2022/3/28 文件大小:23 KB




  自我介绍的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂。可以是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。展示出自信和实力。千万不要来一句“sorry, my English is poor”以下是小编ion by the aspirations of the rostrum is so urgent! My family a total of three sisters,

two sisters who work, in order to take care of the elderly parents, I have to stay around them. I have held a shop, first operational craft, then garments. But no matter how the business is handy, when a teacher is always glorious people yearn for and I would like to make every effort to pursue life-long career. I have to take the test several times, but for various reasons are unable to realize their dreams, but I secretly determined, given the chance, I have been test continue until the ideal realized.
  Today, I am, after the test of life, compared to my competitors in terms of age I no longer have an advantage, but Im more than a child they love, patience and sense of responsibility, more of a mature and self-confidence. The teaching profession is sacred and great, he asked teachers not only must be knowledgeable, but also a noble sentiment. Therefore, when reading normal, I paid great attention to their overall development, to train its own extensive interests, and learned a trade, be good at painting and calligraphy than outside, but also sing, say, will speak. "High school only as a teacher, inspires them for the Fan" in the knowledge-learning and I


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