文档介绍:专业机械设计设计指导 QQ 21135690 通过答辩广西科技大学毕业设计(论文)说明书课题名称工业机器人夹持器的设计系别职业技术教育学院专业机械工程及自动化班级机自班学号姓名指导教师 2016 年3月1日作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: 年月日专业机械设计设计指导 QQ 21135690 通过答辩 I 摘要本次的设计来源于工业机器人夹持器机构更新换代基础之上,通过设计出工业机器人夹持器,从而来满足当今工业机器人组成机构之一的夹持器各方面性能不足的缺陷。本毕业设计课题来自于企业的生产实际,通过设计出新型工业机器人夹持器,从而来掌握工业机器人夹持器的整个设计生产流程,培养工程意识。我国生产的工业机器人夹持器从仿制开始起步,近期产品的质量较早期有所提高。但受等的影响,我与进口产品及港口用户的要求仍有较大差距,工业机器人夹持器的生产也是如此,为满足市场需求,开发出一种新型的工业机器人夹持器势在必行! 本文通过运用大学所学的知识,提出了工业机器人夹持器的结构组成、工作原理以及主要零部件的设计中所必须的理论计算和相关强度校验,构建了工业机器人夹持器总的指导思想,从而得出了该工业机器人夹持器的优点是高效,经济, 并且安全系数高,对提高工业机器人的工作效率,减少人工投入,增强夹持质量等等起到了很大的作用的结论。关键词:工业机器人夹持器;高效;人工投入;结论专业机械设计设计指导 QQ 21135690 通过答辩 II Abstract This paper mainly introduces the current situation and development prospe ctof automotive beauty decoration industry, car beauty industry is experiencing a hitherto unknown development opportunity, there are good prospects for deve lopment. But due to the current situation of enterprise development disorder, n ot standardized, quality of personnel is low, which seriously restrict the develo pment of the industry. That car decoration and beauty will be the century of China's most prom ising gold industry, known as the automotive industry "second gold", isa suns hine attaches great importance to the status of the degrees not e nough, and the baby chair to drive innovation design, to achieve a "chair", to improve the above , this paper carries on research on scheme selection. Through the professional knowledge of the designer to master the relevant information on the , as well as the current situation at home and abroa d, the design scheme, after a detailed investigation, this graduation design is to design a set of practical multifunctional baby design is begins with t he argument, introduces in detail the scheme analysis, design process and calcu lating process. Key words : Machine manufacture;Crankshaft;Processing craft;Fixture 专业机械设计设计指导 QQ 21135690 通过答辩 III 目录 1绪论...................