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上传人:住在山区的Jack 2022/4/3 文件大小:24 KB





  Hello! It's my pleasure to e here and have a chance to introduce myself. I will graduan E-business and with a bachelor degree. I’m single. And I love software testing, as the software quality is vital to the company’s customer, it also could improve the company’s image, so quality is the best policy. We must devote all my energy to assure the software quality.
  The position which I’ve come to apply is senior software testing engineer. I have three years work experience, one year and a half of function testing experience and one year of performance and automation testing experience. I have been reading up on software testing, especially on performance testing and automation testing. I’m quite familiar with performance testing tool LoadRunner, and familiar with automation testing tool QTP. I’m good at developing performance testing script base on C language in web system, and also have good skills in develop QTP script.
  As we all know that software performance has become more and more important, while thousands of the users log in the system or visit the website simultaneously, the problem may occurred, the system crash or the server deny to provide the service to the user, so the performance testing need to be done before the software delivered to our customers.
  We also benefit from the automation testing. There is always a lot of func


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