文档介绍:人教版九年级Unit 5 It must belong to Carla。
Section B 3a-—4说课稿  
说课人:银川十五中 石铁生
《新目的英语》教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动,n my hand? Students will use must, might, could , can’t。
设计思路:复习环节中通过猜谜游戏让学生激发学习兴趣,可以更好地掌握前面所学的情态动词must, might, could 和can’t的用法。以便为后面的学习做好铺垫。
Step2 Lead—in
Look at the picture .
T: How is the person in the picture?
S: She is worried.
T: Oh, yes。 What happens?
S: She must see something terrible。
T: Yeah, strange things are happening in Bell Tower neighborhood. Do you want to know this story?
S: Yes.
T: Read the newspaper article and answer the questions.
What can you see in the picture ?
Where is the article from?
What is the passage about?
Give students three minutes to find the answers。
Step3: While—reading
Read the passage quickly and write “T” or “F" for the following statements. Give students five minutes to find the answers。
1. Zhou Gu is a reporter from the local newspaper.( )
2. Every night Zhou Gu and his family heard strange noises( )
3。 Zhou Gu’s wife thought that it must be teenagers having fun。( )
4. The police found nothing strange, and thought it might be the wind。( )
5. Qi Hui can see a dog outside. ( )
Step 4 Post—reading
Pairwork: Read the passage aga