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文档介绍:优秀机械毕业设计欢迎下载, 学****交流加 QQ 197216396 专业机械设计解君之忧毕业设计(论文) 设计( 论文) 题目: M1332 外圆磨床头架部件头架部件设计学院名称: 机械工程学院专业: 机械设计制造及其自动化班级: 姓名: 学号指导教师: 职称定稿日期: 2015 年月日优秀机械毕业设计欢迎下载, 学****交流加 QQ 197216396 专业机械设计解君之忧 II 摘要本次设计是对 M1332 外圆磨床头架部件头架部件设计的设计。这次毕业设计对设计工作的基本技能的训练,提高了分析和解决工程技术问题的能力,并为进行一般机械的设计创造了一定条件。整机结构主要由电动机产生动力通过联轴器将需要的动力传递到带轮上,带轮带动主轴头,从而带动整机运动,提高劳动生产率和生产自动化水平。更显示其优越性,有着广阔的发展前途。本论文研究内容: (1) M1332 外圆磨床头架部件装置总体结构设计。(2) M1332 外圆磨床头架部件装置工作性能分析。(3) 电动机的选择。(4) M1332 外圆磨床头架部件装置的传动系统、执行部件设计。(5) 对设计零件进行设计计算分析和校核。(6) 绘制整机装配图及重要部件装配图和设计零件的零件图。关键词: M1332 外圆磨床头架部件装置; 联轴器; 优秀机械毕业设计欢迎下载, 学****交流加 QQ 197216396 专业机械设计解君之忧 III Abstract This design is the design of universal tool grinder device. Here mainly includes: system design, belt drive system of the horizontal feed mechanism and a lifting mechanism on the design of the basic skills training, enhancing the analysis and to solve engineering problems, and for general mechanical design to create certain conditions. The structure is mainly produced by the motor power through the coupling will need to transfer the power to the belt wheel, belt wheel drives the main shaft, which drives the machine movement, improve labor productivity and automation level of production. But also show its superiority, there are broad prospects for the development. The research of this thesis: (1) universal tool grinder device structure design. (2) analysis of universal tool grinder device performance. (3) the choice of motor. (4) the design of transmission system, ponents of universal tool grinder device. (5) the design ponents for the design calculation and check. (6) to draw the assembly drawing and parts assembly diagram and parts diagram design. Key words : universal tool grinder, coupling, ball screw 优秀机械毕业设计欢迎下载, 学****交流加 QQ 197216396 专业机械设计解君之忧 IV 目录 1绪论..................................................................................................................................... 1 国内外研究现状.........................................................................