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文档介绍:Lesson 90 What's for supper? fish giant diver Lesson 90 What's for supper? ? Study aims ? To be able to read and spell the new words. ? To be able to understand the text. fish and chips This is the favourite dish in Britain. As the oceans have been overfished, fish has e less and less. (rare) diver There are many giant fish on the North Sea oil rigs. 1. chip 2. overfish 3. giant 4. terrify 5. diver 6. oil rig 7. wit 8. cage 9. shark 10. whale 11. variety 12. cod 13. skate 14. factor 15. crew Task 1: petition 比一比,谁读得准,谁记得快! 1.[t? ip ] 2. ['? uv ? 'fi? ] 3. ['d? ai? nt ] 4. [' terifai ] 5. [' daiv ? ] 6.[? il ] [rig] 7. [wit] 8.[ keid ? ] 9. ['?ɑ :k ] 10. [ weil ] 11. [v? 'rai ? ti ] 12. [k?d ] 13. [ skeit ] 14. ['f? kt? ] 15. [ kru :] 1. n. 油煎土豆片 2. v. 过度捕捞 3. adj. 巨大的 4. v. 吓,使恐怖 5. n. 潜水员 7. n. (复数)理智,头脑 8. n. 笼 9. n. 鲨鱼 10. n. 鲸 11. n. 品种 12. n. 鳕 13. n. 鳐 14. n. 因素 15. n. 全体工作人员 huge frighten kind, sort, type terrify of one's wits 吓个半死 Task 2: Listen and answer the questions . ? Are the fish killer whales? ? No, they aren ’ t.? What kind of fish are they? ? They are favourite eating varieties like cod and skate. ? Is the water round the oil pipes cold or warm? ? warm. Task 3: learn to Read the text ? 1, read after the tape sentence by sentence. ? 2, read by yourselves and find out the difficult words. ? 3,read together. Task 4:(Understanding) Read the text and answer the questions.( 读课文,回答问题) 1. What has always been a favourite dish in Britain? ? Fish and chips. 2. Why has the fish e more and more expensive? ? Because the oceans have been overfished. 3. What ’ s terrifying the divers? ? Giant fish. 4. What do divers do on the oil rigs ? Repair the oil rigs. 5. Where do they often work ? A hundred feet under water. 6. What do they used to protect them? ? Special cages. 7. How big are the fish? ? Sometimes as much as twelve feet long. Task 4: Read by yourselves and find out the difficulties in


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