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文档介绍:The Werewolves Game jerry 梁宗平
One person plays the role of God.
God chooses some IDs for other players a player, will you?
Well, close your eyes.
Save or kill a player one night, but only one time through the game.
Seer, open your eyes.
Choose a player you wanna text.
It’s this…
Close your eyes.
It can know whether a player is a good man or bad man every night by the gesture of the God. Up is good and down is bad.
Crow, open your eyes.
Choose a house you wanna put gossips on.
Close your eyes.
Make one person who has a house get double polls.
Now, the remaining special ID please open eyes then in proper order for the God.
Hunter: If killed by wolf or voted to death, it can shoot a play and the play will also die.
Elder: It has 2 lives that can prevent one murder by wolf. But if it is killed by others, the others will lose their ability for punishment.
Scapegoat: When it get equal polls, it will die immediately but can choose some players to vote next morning.
Idiocy : When voted to death, it won’t if show others its ID, but after that it can’t discus as others do.
Now, day dawns. Please open your eyes.
Today something happens…
The dead, leave your notes.
Unlucky! But I’m good people.
I have no special ID and I must be killed by the wolves!
Everyone, choose your officer.
It can cast 2 votes when every morning. If dead, it should let other one take over it.
The officer is...
Then start discussing.
The Barber(理发师) can kill a player any time in the morning, but if the player is not the wolf, barber will die too.
The Bonesetter(接骨师) can renew one’s used ability anytime in the morning.
The Priest(神父) can see a player’s ID during morning just one time.