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文档介绍:Shanghai Disneyland
February 24, 2003
BA 456
Tera Ferguson
Jose Luis Guerrero
Kristy Harris
Wenny Tung
Scott Yancey
Case Introduction
Project Description
Our Analysis
The Walt pany
Entertainment Conglomerate consisting of Media, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products and Theme Parks & Resorts
Theme Park & Resorts Division
Current Park Locations: Anaheim, Orlando, Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong (2005)
Also includes: The Disney Cruise Line, Disney Regional Entertainment, The Disney Vacation Club, The Anaheim Angels, and the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim
Revenues of $7 Billion in 2001, or 28% pany-wide revenue
Disney’s Interest in China
Consistently searching for areas of expansion where there are un-captured markets
Government relations established through the Hong Kong Disneyland project indicate easier entry into the petitive
Universal-Vivendi’s land purchase in Shanghai and proposed expansion into Beijing
Background: Disney Parks
Disneyland, Anaheim: 1955
Walt Disney World, Orlando: 1971
Tokyo Disneyland:1983
Owned and operated by the Oriental pany
Deal structure indicative of financial turmoil within pany in the early 1980s with a 0% Equity stake
Revenue from royalties and management fees
Disneyland Paris/Euro Disneyland: 1992
Disney retains 39% of Equity Interest and receives management fees as part of reported revenue
Hong Kong Disneyland
$ Billion USD Project
60% Debt
80% Government
20% Commercial
40% Equity
43% Disney
57% Government (will eventually sell down ownership stake)
6 Million Visitors in its first full operating year, and Million additional visitors to Hong Kong
$148 Billion value added boost to the Hong Kong economy over the next 40 years
35,800 jobs created in the next 20 years
Background: China
Largest population in the world with relatively slow projected population growth
B (2001) - B


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