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文档介绍:第1页 /总页数 4 页
考试简介: 三部分,30题,30分钟听题,10分钟誊写。 Part two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below.
After you have listened once, replace each recording.
Conversation One. Questions 1 to 4
Look at the form below.
You will hear a man asking a colleague for information about a former employee.
You have 15 seconds to read through the form.
Now listen, and fill in the spaces.
Woman: Personnel …
Man: Hello, it’s Tim here, from Finance.
Woman: Hi, Tim.
Man: I’ve had a letter from the tax office about a student who worked here last summer – I wonder if you could look him up in your records.
Woman: Sure, what’s the name?
Man: The surname’s Jaye. First name Stephen.
Woman: How does he spell his surname?
Man: JAYE. Got that?
Woman: Oh yes, here we are … live at a hundred and eightythree School Road, Barnfield…
Man: Yes, that’s the one.
Woman: And you say he was working in Finance?
Man: Uhm, Customer Service, actually.
Woman: Aah – they had lots of students working for them last summer.
第4页 /总页数 4 页
Man: Well, the tax people want to know his exact job title – I’m not sure why.
Woman: Mm, let me see … He was an office assistant.
Man: Right, got that. They also want to know about his monthly earnings.
Woman: Let’s have a look … five hundred and thirtyeight pounds