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文档介绍:第二篇呼吸系统疾病慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD) 青岛市市立医院呼吸科刘学东?慢性阻塞性肺疾病( COPD )是一种具有气流受限特征的肺部疾病,气流受限不完全可逆、呈进行性发展; ? COPD 是当前全球第 4位死亡原因?每年 COPD 可能影响多达 6亿人概述发病率(%) 男性/女性: P< 城市/农村: P< 我国 COPD 的发病率我国 COPD 总体发病率为 % Zhong et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007, 176: 753-760 % () % () 肿瘤肿瘤 19. 19. 10% () 10% () 脑血管疾病脑血管疾病 % () % () COPD COPD % () % () 心血管疾病心血管疾病 % (90,000) % (90,000) 糖尿病糖尿病 0% 0% 2% 2% 4% 4% 6% 6% 8% 8% 10% 10% 12% 12% 14% 14% 16% 16% 18% 18% 20% 20% 死因死因% % ( ( 2000 2000 年) 年) COPD 的死亡率- COPD 是中国主要致死性疾病( 2000 年) MOH Disease Control Department and NCDC. Report on Chronic Disease in China. 2006. MOH Disease Control Department and NCDC. Report on Chronic Disease in China. 2006. 2005 Report in NCDC Annual Conference. 2005 Report in NCDC Annual Conference. COPD: 定义?慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD) 是一种可预防和可治疗的疾病,其特点是气流受限,不完全可逆。?气流受限呈进行性发展的,与肺部对有害颗粒所产生的异常的炎症性反应有关。?尽管 COPD 主要影响肺脏,但同时也会产生严重的全身性后果。 Celli BR, et al. Eur Respir J. 2004;23(6):932-946; GOLD Statement M 2007. lobal Initiative for Chronic bstructive ung isease lobal Initiative for Chronic bstructive ung isease GOLD GOLD ? Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease ? COPD 是一种可预防和治疗的常见病?特征是持续性气流受限,通常为进行性?与气道和肺内对有害颗粒或气体的慢性炎症反应增强相关?急性加重及合并症是导致患者总体严重度的因素 COPD 定义 GOLD 2011 COPD COPD 新定义: : ??““ mon mon preventable and preventable and treatable disease, is treatable disease, is characterized by characterized by persistent airflow persistent airflow limitation that is limitation that is usually progressive usually progressive and associated with and associated with an enhanced an enhanced chronic chronic inflammatory inflammatory response in the response in the airway and the lung airway and the lung to noxious particles to noxious particles or gases. or gases. Exacerbations and Exacerbations and orbidities contribute to the contribute to the overall severity in