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上传人:cjc201601 2022/5/12 文件大小:37 KB




文档介绍:Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of
Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste
(Adopted at nd rationally utilize solid waste.
The State encourages and supports the adoption of measures for concentrated treatment of solid waste for the benefit of environmental protection and promotes the development of the industry designed to prevent and control environmental pollution by solid waste.
People 's governments at or above the county level shall include the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste in their plans for national economic and social development and adopt economic and technical policies and measures that facilitate the preve
ntion and control of environmental pollution by solid waste.
When making arrangements for drawing up plans for town and township construction, land use, regional development, industrial development, etc., the relevant departments under the State Council, local people's governments
at or above the county level and the relevant departments under them shall give overall consideration to the need of reducing the quantity of solid waste generated and its harmfulness, and promoting the comprehensive use of solid waste and making it innocuous through treatment.
In preventing and controlling environmental pollution by solid waste, the State follows the principle whereby the polluter is held responsible in accordance with law.
Manufactures, sellers, importers and users of products shall, in accordance with law, be responsible for preventing and controlling pollution by solid waste generated by the products.
The State encourages and supports scientific research in and development of technologies for prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste, promotes the wide use of advanced technologies for
such prevention and control, and disseminates scientific knowledge in this field.
People' s governments at various levels shall enhance publicity and education in the need of p