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上传人:hh思密达 2022/5/22 文件大小:24 KB




I am _x and I am 12 years old. My favorite sports include basketball, swim and footballweekends with my friends. My favorite star is Yao Ming. I admire him very much.
My name is a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Ganzhou.
Im an active,lovely and clever the school,my favourite subject is someone thinks its difficult to study I like belive that if you try your best,everything can be done well.
I also sports very as,running,volleyball and so on.
Im kind-hearted. If you need help,please come to me .
I hope we can be good friends!
is me .A sunny girl.
I grow is not high also not short, but, our class wang to call me little man, in fact, she even shorter than me! I a pair of double-fold eyelid eyes, others see I said my eyes are very beautiful.
I am a timid person, because I was born and they were afraid that grow hairy, looks very dirty, strange insects. Just said a few days ago, a few heavy rain, I came to school in the morning, saw the campus has a lot of earthworms in climb ah climb, I was scared scream, I stood on tiptoe a bouncing ran towards the classroom, however, the door of the classroom is not open, suddenly, Im dumbfounded, looking at the earthworm climb in front of me, I cant help trembling body, when I stand in situ like a cat on hot bricks dont know what to do? At this time, open the door of the students come, I was the first to rush in, at my desk, I go in for a long time, my heart finally calm down.
I am very hardworking. Remember once, mom and dad didnt go off work, home is very dirty, I took the broom to sweep the floor clean, and mop the floor to drag earnestly again, also put the rubbish into the trash can, and I wash mop clean. Mom and dad come back to dig the kua I grow up.
Look, I am such a little girl, would you


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