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文档介绍:1 感谢父母的英语信篇一:英语感谢信感谢父母感谢信 1. 表达感激之情,简单陈述写这封感谢信的原因; 2. 详细说明要感谢的事由,措词更加具体真诚。再次表示真诚的感谢; 3. 向对方表达自己真诚的祝福,再次道谢。有时可向对方发出邀请。感谢信模板 1 dear ________ , ①i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ________( 感谢的原因).② if it had not been for/had it not been for/ without your assistance in ________( 对方给你的具体帮助),i would (not) have been ________( 没有对方帮助的后果).③ everyone agrees that it was you who ________ ( 给出细节).④ again, i would like to express my warm thanks to you! ⑤ please 2 accept my gratitude. yours sincerely, li ming 感谢信模板 2 dear _____________ ,①i am now writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for _____________( 感谢事由)。② id like you to know how much your meant to me. ③ you have a positive genius for_____________( 对收信人某一方面的赞美).④i not only enjoyed _____________, but also_____________. ⑤i shall ever remember _____________as one of the most _____________in my life. ⑥i hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating( 报答). ⑦i will feel very honored and pleased if you _____________ ( 表达自己回报的心愿)。⑧i am looking forward to seeing you next time! ⑨i repeat my thanks for your_____. ⑩ please give my kind regards to your________. yours sincerely li ming1 ( 2010 年浙江省衢州市)假设你是某中学高三某班学生李华,高二多年来,经历很多次成功与失败的你,觉得自 3 己似乎一下子成熟了许多,有一种真的长大了的感觉,面对紧张的学****一次次的考试及今后的打算。。。,你有太多的话想对关爱你的父母说。请以书信形式和爸爸妈妈谈谈。参考词汇鼓励 encourage /encouragement 对。。。感激 be grateful to sb. dear mum and dad how are you doing? 参考范文 dear mum and dadhow are you doing? how time flies 。i am now a senior three student ,enjoying many esses as well as going through a number of failures,which shows that i have really grown i am thinking of these,i can ’t help feeling grateful to is you who first give me encouragement when i meet with difficulties,especially when i am not getting along well with my my ,your inspiration seems to be a lamp,which offers me light of hope,courage and more importantly,you are always teaching me to be good to others,and try to contribute to our sincer