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文档介绍:独创性声明及使用授权声明一、学位论文独创声明本人所撰写的学位论文是指导老师的指导下独立完成的研究成果。除以明确标注或得到许可外,所撰写的学位论文中不包含他人已申请学位或其他用途所使用过的成果,不包含其他集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,本人的指导老师对此进行了审定。对本人的研究做出重要贡献的个人或集体,本人已在文中做出明确的说明并表示谢意。如有不实,本人承担相应责任。二、学位论文及研究成果使用授权说明本人同意授权天津商业大学以非盈利方式保存、使用本人的学位论文的电子版及纸质版。授权天津商业大学将本论文的全部内容提供给有关方面编入数据库进行检索、出版及提供信息服务。同意学校向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘。本人在校期间取得的研究数据、相关成果等知识产权归天津商业大学所有。注:涉及保密的学位论文在解密后实用本授权。学位论文作者签字: 指导教师签字: 日期: 年月日万方数据 Abstract During this process of globalization, more and more panies invest in China and many famous panies try to develop their overseas market actively as well, which results ina petition in recruiting talents. All ofusknow that job advertisement isa crucial step panies to choose excellent employees. So, whether panies can attract splendid talents essfully greatly depends on whether they can satisfy different expectations of talents having diverse cultural backgrounds. In order to have a deep understanding pany job advertisements, this thesis selected 30 pany job advertisements and 30 Chinese ones and managed to answer the following questions: (1) What are municative purposes and genre structures of Chinese and American job advertisements? (2) What are the similarities and differences between Chinese and American job advertisements in terms of genre? (3) What cultural factors lead to these differences? (4) How can we write effective job advertisements in the background of globalization? Under the guidance of Swale ’s move-step model and Bhatia ’s seven-step model, this thesis conducted parative genre analysis of the two kinds of samples from the cross-cultural perspective and discussed their similarities and differences. In the meanwhile, it explained their differences in terms of the underlying socio-cultural factors. The results indicate that both Chinese and American job advertisements have the municative purposes such as attracting readers ’ attention, listing responsibilities and requirements, persuading readers, establishing credibility and promoting good images and soon.