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上传人:小博士 2022/6/9 文件大小:83 KB




文档介绍:藏红花使用方法(Saffron usage)
Usage method
Saffron general eating is every day three to seven, drink water to use, for the pran not guarantee that everyone applies. The effect of saffron on liver and gallbladder
Saffron soaking effect
Saffron has dredging meridians by removing blood stasis, stasis and open the knot, swelling and pain relief, detoxification, anxiety depression. Modern pharmacological studies have proved that it can improve the blood supply and oxygen supply of the heart. The saffron contains many glycosides, and many glycosides can increase the blood flow of the great coronary artery obviously.
In recent years, scientists have discovered that saffron (Crocitin), saffron (safranal), saffron (Crocin) and Protocrocin, which are found in the stamens of the saffron, have strong anticancer activity. Especially have a strong inhibitory effect on leukemia cells, XXX carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and soft tissue sarcoma.
The feet are the body cycle endings, we can make the hot foot bath, foot blood vessels, promote blood and lymph backflow foot. At the same time, some effective ingredients can be added to the feet to help the disease and health care.
The use of saffron feet, first can play the effect of hot foot bath, and then through the absorption of drugs can play foot qingrequfeng, Liangxue Tongmai Yangxin Anshen, caused by heart disease, palpitation and shortn


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