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文档介绍:双语新闻他们可以在一个系列赛中打 7 场,一直坚持到紧张的最后一分钟。神奇的是,他们仍然有足够的精力去疯狂地庆祝胜利。 Kobe Bryant can grab a court-length pass, allow the final seconds to tick away, tuck the ball under his armpit and then sprint around the floor, leaving sneaker marks. Ron Artest can go bonkers, as he is often accused of doing, and everyone would consider ita normal reaction. Andrew Bynum can go from teammate to teammate, leaping high and giving chest-bumps. Didn't he have a damaged knee? Did. Not. Matter. 科比布莱恩特接得住跨越球场的长传; 能够控制住比赛局势, 让最后的几秒钟在他的手中一点一点地逝去; 能够把球夹在腋窝下, 在球场上左冲右突如入无人之境, 只留下一串球鞋的印记。阿特斯特疯狂了, 不过大家早已****以为常,觉得那是他的正常反应。拜纳姆高高跳起, 和队友们一一撞胸庆祝。难道他的膝盖没有受伤?受伤了,只是,此刻,伤痛早已算不得什么。"Caught up in the moment," as Kobe explained. 正如科比所说, “大家都沉醉在这一刻了。” While it wasn't a masterpiece, it was, in the words of coach Phil Jackson, done-"It wasn't well done," he acknowledged. "But it was done." 虽然, 此役并不能堪称经典, 但这场战斗用禅师菲尔杰克逊的话来说, 就是,都结束了-“打的并不是特别好, ”他承认, “但,最终还是拿下来了。” Listening Notes: hoop: 篮筐 hoax: 假动作 back-to-back: 连续的,背靠背的记者 7 日从高考考卷一些阅卷点获悉, 今年考试院对阅卷老师的资格做出了严格要求, 高校的阅卷老师必须是博士学历。虽然今年北京考生人数减少了 20% , 但是考试院要求各个阅卷点不减少阅卷老师数量以及阅卷的天数,以保证阅卷质量。请看相关报道: Beijing exam markersneed to hold doctorate--Staff charged with scoring China ’s national College Entrance Exam (NCEE) should be teachers who hold a doctorate, the examination board announced after the first day of tests. 北京阅卷老师须有博士学位——考试院在高考第一天结束后宣称,负责评阅高考试卷的老师须有博士学位。从上面的报道中,我们可以知道, “阅卷老师”就是 exam marker 。 Marker 的意思是“阅卷人,批作业的人”。以往阅卷老师可能会用 marker pen (记号笔)来批改试卷,但北京今年高考数学卷将开始采取 online scoring (网上阅卷)的方式。在平时的考试或测验中,我们的老师可能既是 examination room (考场)中的 supervisor (考官) ,又是 exam marker 。由于 National College Entrance Exam (高考)是决定考生前途的关键时刻, 有的考生会因为压力过大而患上 testophobia ( 考试恐惧症) 。有的考生家长为了让孩子考上好大学,不惜在考前将就学地点迁到其他竞争较不激烈的地区,这种考生被称为 NCEE migrant (高考移民)。 In World Cup football action on Sunday, five-time champion Brazil beat Ivory Coast 3-1 to clinch a berth in the knockout phase of the er extravaganza in South Africa 。在周日的世界杯比赛当中,五冠王巴西队以 3-1 击败科特迪瓦队,在本次足球盛事中,夺得了淘汰赛席位。"The Samba Boys" from Brazil maintained th