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文档介绍:ment Para. 1: Q 1: pinpoint ? ? Outsiders have contemplated the ess of eastern Asia ’ s economies with admiration, wonderment and sometimes hostility. Scholars long sought to pinpoint the secrets behind the achievements of China, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore. ?局外人一直是怀着一种钦佩和惊叹的心情,有时甚至是敌对的情绪,来关注东亚各国经济体取得的成功。长期以来,学者们力图弄清中国、日本、韩国和新加坡成功背后的秘诀。? More recently, they have turned their attention to the emerging “ tigers ” of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Hard work and entrepreneurial flair were obvious elements. ?最近,他们又将目光转向诸如泰国、马来西亚和印度尼西亚这几只正在崛起的“虎”。显然,艰苦创业和企业家精神是成功的关键因素。 : Q1: a piece of the action? ? If a country is rich in a certain natural or human resource, its government should make sure that nothing gets in the way of entrepreneurs who want to develop it, be their local or foreign. ?如果一个国家的某种自然资源和人力资源非常丰富,政府就应当确保任何想开发这些资源的企业家在开发过程中不能有任何障碍,不管他们是本国企业家还是外国企业家。? By allowing the latter a piece of the action, a nation benefits from the multiplying effects of investment, technology transfers and increased employment. And all the better if heavy tariffs or other forms of preferential treatment could be avoided. ?通过给外国企业家留有发展资源,一个国家就可以从投资、技术转让以及就业增加等增值效应中获得利益。而如果能够避开过重关税或者其他形式的区别待遇,则获得更大的利益。 Translation of Passive Voice 被动翻译英汉差异英文:多用被动语态汉语:多用主动语态被动语态汉译的主要方法: ?译成汉语的主动式?译成汉语的被动式多数情况下翻译成汉语的主动句,但少数情况在特别强调动作的被动性或特别突出句子的被动意义时才保持被动语态 1. 译成汉语的主动式?把施动者译成主语例: Less paper work is required than in the past by the modern banking industry. 译:现代银行业需要的纸张作业比过去少。例: A new way of displaying time has been given by electronics technology. 译:电子技术提供了一种新的时间显示方法。例: This conclusion is hardly justified by the results. 译文:结果很难证明这个结论是正确的。译成汉语的主动式?保留原文中的主语例: On their domestic radio stations, the trade issues were dismissed briefly. 译:在他们国内电台的广播中,贸易问题只是轻描淡写地报导了一下。例: The president was offered some support from his board of directors. 译:总经理得到了董事会的一些支持。译成汉语的主动式?原文主语转译成宾语、增译主语例: An MBA degree is considered to be one of the important requirements for the position. 译: 人们认为 MBA