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文档介绍:In our country, when you meet someone for the first time, what should you do? shake hands In China, We should shake hands. = In China, We are supposed to shake hands. Korea America Brazil Japan Mexico Match the countries with the Match the countries with the customs. customs. Countries Customs 1. c Brazil 2. the United States 3. Japan 4. Mexico 5. Korea b. shake hands a. bow c. kiss bow 鞠躬,弯腰 shake hands kiss 贴面 United States a. bow b. shake hands c. kiss Customs Countries cbaba Listen and check your answers in 1a. A1: What are people__________ to do when they meet ____ the first time? B1: Well, do you mean when friends meet for the first time? A1: Yeah. B1: Well, in Brazil, friends ____. A1: What about in Mexico, Rodriguez? A2: In Mexico we ____________. A1: How about in Japan, Yoshi? A3: We bow . B2: And in Korea we also _____. A1: Well, I guess in most Western countries , we shake hands. supposed for kiss shake hands bow Listen again and fill in the blanks. A: What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: They ’ re supposed to shake hands. Sentences study


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