[英文哲理短故事带翻译] 英语小故事3分钟幽默
Worms Pressure
This is a wormwhose body is no less than one millimeter. It is called 熊虫(XC) perhaps forthe reason that it looks like a black bear under the microscop. The XC usuallyhabited in the slurry of fresh water, wet soil and the 水膜 of moss , there was an amazing news discovered by 日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久: when 20 littleXC were placed in a sealed container under the 万个大气压 making inexperiment condition, there were only two died and the other 18 have no troubleat all. 万个大气压, equal to over 700 kilogram stress per square meter, which is powerfulenough to它足以上淀粉瞬间变性 and the rice ready to eat.
The early years has a rightness of young men the matrimony in Alaska place in the United States, growing after getting married, his wife dies because I am difficult to produce, leaving one kid.
His favour life, and then be occupied in watching the house, because no one helps to look after child, train a dog, that dog cleverness obedient, can look after a kid, bite milk bottle to nurse with milk to drink for kid, bring up a kid.
One day, the host go out go to, call it look after a kid.
He arrived an