目的 了解2005年北京市与河北省城市中学生饮食行为现状及差异,为制定相应干预措施供应科学依据。方法 抽取北京市和河北省中学生共18 259名,采纳“中国青少年健康相关行为调查问卷”进行调查。结果 北京分析计数资料。 2 结果 中学生饮食行为比较 见表1,2。 北京中学生每天喝饮料1次以上、每天吃甜点1次以上、每周吃快餐1次以上不健康饮食行为和每天喝牛奶1次以上的报告率都高于河北城市中学生(P值均 4 参考文献 [1] 季成叶,主编. 中国青少年健康相关/危急行为:2005调查综合报告. 北京:北京高校医学出版社,2007:61-62. [2] SCHNEIDER D. International trends in adolescent nutrition. Soc Sci Med, 2000,51(6):955-967. [3] DOAK C, ADAIR L, BENTLEY M, et al. The underweight/overweight household: An exploration of household sociodemographic and dietary factors in China. Public Health Nutr, 2002,5(1A):215-221. [4] 陈春明. 对儿童肥胖问题不行坐失良机. 中华流行病学杂志,2004,25(2):95-96. [5] WANG YF, BENTLEY ME, ZHAI FY, et al. Tracking of dietary intake patterns of Chinese from childhood to adolescence over a six-year follow-up Period. J Nutr,2002,132(3):430-438. [6] LIEN N, JACOBS DR Jr, KLEPP KI. Exploring predictors of eating behaviour among adolescents by gender and socio-economic status. Public Health Nutr, 2002,5(5):671-681. [7] SERRA-MAJEM L,RIBAS L,PéREZ-RODRIGO C, et al. Determinants of nutrient intake among children and adolescents: Results from the enKid Study. Ann Nutr Metab, 2002,46 (Suppl 1):31-38. [8] BARRY M, POPKIN. Urbanization, lifestyle changes and the nutrition transition. World Dev, 1999,27(11):1 905-1 916. [9] KIM S, SYMONS M, POPKIN BM. Contrasting socioeconomic profi