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上传人:蓝天 2022/7/3 文件大小:375 KB




在新加坡租房,一定会涉及签署合同一系列问题。新加坡的租房合同基本上都是全 英文的,所以如果英文水平一般的朋友最好在签署之前找一个靠谱的翻译或是请身 边英文好的朋友帮您仔细逐项查看,是否有继漏。如果发现有问题的也”ST 2018 for a term of THREE (3) months, at the rent of DOLLARS. . ■■ . . . . . ■■ " gnE
Th・ first payment of Dollars . |Mi ■■■■ . . ■ ).00) for the rent for the period
from 1st JUNE 2018 to 30™ JUNE 2018 is payable on the signing of this Agreement Subsequent payment of Dollars . ■ . El . .诘 payaWe monthly in advance without deduction
whatsoever on the 1,7 day of each month via uru «x> pci ioNow<ng details:
Account Holder .
&■, ■ ■ ,"
The Tenant hereby agre«s wtth the as follows:
(a) To pay the satd rent at the Umer pe manner aforesaid.
(page 1 )
)pay a deposit
,being equ^ to ONE (1) months rent upon the sigrvng of th« Agreement (the receipt whereof the Landlord hereby acknowtedfles) as security for the due perfonnance and observance by the Tenant of aB covenants, conditons and stipulations on the pan of the Tenant herein contained, faiing which the Tenant shall forfeit to the Landkxd the sad deposit or such part thereof as may be necessary to remedy any such default PROVIDED ALWAYS that if the Tenant shal cMy perlorm the said covenants, conditions and stipulations as aforesaid, up to and inducing the date o( expiration of the term hereby created, the Landlonj shall repay the said deposit within fourteen (14) days from the date of such expiration without any irrteresL This deposit shall not be utilized as set-off for any rent due and payable during the currency of this Agreement In the event of a sale or disposal of the said premises by the landlord, the Tenant consents to the transfer of the security deposit to the new ownerts) of the said premises, and hereby agrees to release the Landlord from all obligations in r^pect of the security deposit.
To pay al! charges due in respect of v>y telephones or othw equipment installed at the sskI premises, including any tax payable thereon.


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