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  dear sir or madam:
  the purpose of this letter is to recommend miss xxx, a worthy candidate for adm to have a two months practice to prepare for one of the most famous competition in —national undergraduate electronic designing competition.
  there were 11 teams in our university, each had 3 teammates. impressed by his responsibility and experience, i appointed mr. xxxx the head of team. as a head, he knew the importance of teamwork. he familiarized the strongpoints of each member and could dispose the work to the proper one. under his leadership, he and his teammates could exert their best during the process.
  i'm sure everyone will be impressed by his great patience and meticulous care. one day he designed a agc(auto gain controller). his work was orderly. he used wires in different color in the circuit when he wired them one by one. nevertheless that circuit didn’t work well. then he checked his designing diagram again and made sure his initial design was right. optimistic as he was, he calmly checked the wires again. but all the wires were connected correctly. there must was a bad chip. so he changed the chip one by one and finally he found the bad chip. he was not contented by the working of his initial design and continue to try another design and successfully enlarged the input range to 10 times after 9 successive hours without eating anything.