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上传人:amikiri 2022/7/12 文件大小:53 KB




A research about the tracing technology and system designing of food-cold chain Abstract: So many problems all ns of the general supply chain at first. Then the food supply chain gained a rapid development, especially in food security and information management. For example, Van Weele (2000) determined the width of the (breath), depth (depth) and accuracy (precision) of the food supply chain tracking information based on market information for agricultural products and food information. Golan E et (2002) found that there are great differences in food quality and safety of the United States through the investigation of the fresh production, oil, vegetable, grains and beef products by food supply chain tracking. In the , most of the food and agricultural products required to be recalled have been published in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service's official website. So that consumers could judge the food and agricultural products in question or not from food packaging based on the identification information. Some companies used advanced RSS (reduce space symbology) bar code system and EAN / UCC Global Identification System, to reveal the identity of the food supply chain information more specifically, such as seed, fertilizer, use of antibiotics, production time, production lines, production, manufacture and production technology used in the order of each product, and so on. Once a product has problems, identifying information will be able to play an important role in tracing. In Europe, the EU has adopted EAN / UCC system, and carried out food tracking study on beef, vegetables and other foods successfully. By adopting bar codes covering the whole process of food supply chain, GLN can achieve food tracing by identifying product and attribute information and participants’
In comparison, the national scholars mainly focused on the situations and developing strategies of food-cold chain logist