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上传人:文秘资料站 2022/7/19 文件大小:37 KB





the success of milton’s paradise lost owes much to the depiction of the main epicimage of satan whose attributes. stanley fish in his essay,‘the harassed reader in paradise lost,” argues that satan possesses a form of heroism which is easy to admire because it is visible and flamboyant and that,on that basis,satan’s attractiveness is only initial. milton was,undoubtedly,conscious that he was in danger of portraying satan as too much of a heroic figure and made efforts to be pttle him through the use of unflattering imagery,and by highpghting his less comppmentary characteristics.
nonetheless,our emotions are still fired. our first encounter with satan and his rebel hosts occurs in book i,when they are recovering from the shock of having been expelled from heaven by the son after three days of fighting the angels of god. despite the defeat he has suffered,satan gains our admiration by displaying resipence in quickly coming to terms with the change in his circumstances,in remustering his forces and organizing the building of his palace,pandemonium. at the same time he demonstrates his determination not to be defeated and shows true quapties of leadership,persuasively arguing that there is still hope for battle and victory. satan is convincing in his first speech to beelzebub,his chief partner in crime,as he declares: what though the field be lost? all is not lost; the


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