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文档介绍:The pony was revised in January 2021
Proposal for reshaping the shampoo brand “Venus”
Con"Venus" Shampoo Company is facing the problem of brand aging. Due to internal and external reasons, the brand meets a series of problem in market competition such as the decline in reputation, sales, as well as market share, is called brand aging. Brand aging causes enormous harm to brand owner, making the brand owners lost part of its regular customers. And this trend, once formed, it would be difficult to reverse, as if it enters a situation as "grave”, said David Aaker, which is characterized as: everyone knows this brand, namely it is a famous brand, but people do not remember it when make purchase decision.
The best solution to such a problem is to reshape the brand. Through a series of advertising and product update, we can reshape the "Venus" as a high-end, fashion, tasteful shampoo brand.
Findings and Analysis
We think that the strengths are crucial in reshaping the brand. Therefore we should take advantages of the existing strengths thoroughly so as to save the brand and rescue the
“Venus” Shampoo Company. These strengths can be illustrated in such factors as:
The products of this brand are sold all over the country, and it is still a nationwide brand which has a market share of nearly 4%.
The brand has a mysterious and romantic European style, which gives people the impression of fashion, romantic and tasteful.
The brand has a long history; as a result, it has a great number of loyal customers.
The company has stable channels of advertising and an experienced advertising team.
The company has an experienced R & D team. Furthermore, it is developing a kind of new shampoo now.
2. Weaknesses
However, we think that the weaknesses are vital too in reshaping the brand. Therefore we should make a clear understanding of the existing weaknesses so as to make up for these deficiencies. These weaknesses can be illustrated