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文档介绍:文 档 名
Primary sites
Malignant melanoma 90 % occurs in the skin, the most common in the back, metal-studded ,leg and pink disorderly color on the surface .

*Nodular type: tumor nodules are out of the skin surface; the color is dark brown, gray red and rarely colorless. Bump surface is shown more cauliflower shape, polypoid or bacteria shape, often happen ulcers .
Pathological type
Superficial expandable type: about 70%, it is visible at surface anywhere ; go along the surface to expand, and then expand to the depth , called the "vertical development".
nodular type: about 15%,vertical development; penetrate to subcutaneous tissue; prone to lymph node metastases; even more deadly.
Ephelides type :about 5%,it primary occur in old people facial skin where black freckles long stand; this type do horizontal growth and enlarge 2cm ~ 3cm or more around.
Extremity black mole type:
about 10%
that happens at palms, foot, nail bed and mucous membranes.
☆Surgical treatment : early circumscribed primary foci should be carried out extensively; the scope should be apart from the primary foci 3 ~ 5cm ; the primary foci should be excised to subcutaneous tissue and muscle membrane ; when touch the lymph node enlargement, generally speaking should make lymph node clean; after the operation ,adjuvant chemotherapy and immune therapy is necessary .
☆Biological immune therapy :biological immune therapy via the various biological agents and biotechnology means to enhance immunity and anti-cancer ability to suppress and kill cancer cells; at present, immune cells such as DC cells, CIK cell have applied to clinical therapy, which gains good effects; biological immune therapy is the most effective, security adjuvant therapies.
Radiotherapy: In addition to some very early freckles type of malignant melanoma are effective, other primary foci generally have poor curative effect. So we did not use radiation the


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