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Executive Summary
Automotive Industry Business Challenges
Regional: US, Europe, Asinufacturing market constitutes approximately 45% of the total world manufacturing IT spend.
Executive Summary
Currently in the automotive industry there is less significance placed on the role of IT in supporting business strategies, especially in comparison to industries like Financial Services or Healthcare payer industries. This is a large determinant of IT budget.
In order to understand their near-term sales volume, option mix and price sensitivity, automakers have to start understanding their customers better through the many signals they see from their consumers’ interactions. Much of this can be accomplished through CRM initiatives.
While dealer incentives have been used by most of the major automakers, especially in the US, companies leveraging their existing CRM might be able to get more for less. The data gathered from incentive programs flowing back to manufacturers and dealers can allow follow-up campaigns that bridge the gap between sales and marketing.
ERP vendors are turning their focus to delivering extended applications in areas of SCM, CRM and PLM to compensate for the loss of revenue from large-scale projects.
Competitors and Alliances
Deloitte Consulting has a joint initiative with SAP to support the automotive industry in the deployment of the mySAP Automotive solution on a worldwide basis. As part of this initiative, DC and SAP are developing methods for customer-specific analysis on feasibility, cost-benefit, and ROI.
IBM encourages their engineers to rotate in and out of the field, spending time solving real-life problems while not abandoning their inside research. IBM has created an "innovation services" group within its research unit dedicated to working on automotive customer problems, making them capable of taking their research and apply it to business issues.
In the European automotive industry, SAP is currently


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