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The blast furnace in the production process, can discharge the massive coal gases from the furnace top, in which includes the massive dust, seriously has affected the blast furnace coal gas use. Therefore blast furnace, The coal gas must first carry on the purification. The cloth sack dust removal takes one coal gas dust removal way at present by the very many blast furnaces use.
The cloth sack dust remover the leaf starts in 19th century to apply to the industrial production, its movement stable reliable, the use nimble, operates, the dust removal efficiency simply is high, Can satisfy the strict environmental protection request.
Since on century 70's, our country has promoted the craft technology on the center small furnace which the use doing -like cloth sack removes dust, in the recent 20 years, many metallurgy business Industry in uses in this technology unceasingly to sum up experience, carries on the technological transformations, enable it to tend to the consummation.
At present the cloth sack dust removal takes the blast furnace coal gas fine dust removal already by the our country small furnace widespread use. Has the dust removal efficiency high, the movement is stable, the energy conservation, invests few The production operating cost is low and merit and so on
solution environmental protection question. The cloth sack dust remover dust removal efficiency above 99%, the resistance loss is smaller than 2000Pa, only The coal gas dust content may reach below 5mg/m3.
This design uses is the counter air current instead blows the coal gas purification craft. Uses the separating room work system, presses two kinds according to the time and the difference instead to blow the system to cause the valve automatically to open Shuts, carries on by the room instead blows.
Key words: Blast furnace coal gas,Cloth-bag dust remover,The counter Coal gas current
instead blows
摘要 I
第一章引言 1
设计思路 1


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