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Vocabulary and Structure答案.doc

上传人:phljianjian 2017/7/24 文件大小:75 KB


Vocabulary and Structure答案.doc


文档介绍:Vocabulary and Structure
D 34. The Space Age ____in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the
former Soviet Union.
A. initiated B. originates C. embarked D. commenced
B 36. It is high time that you _____the test paper and _____it in.
A. finish, hand B. finished, handed
C. finished, to hand D, have finished, handed
A parents wanted to change her mind so they tried to ____ her to their way of thinking.
A. convert B. alter C. transfer D. convey
B wouldn’t _to interfere. Instead, I let my students make their own decisions.
A. resume B. presume C. assume D. consume
C that my expenses_,I will go with you for the investigation next week.
A. are paid for B. will be paid
C. can be paid D. be paid for
B the year she has been_between optimism and despair.
A. vibrating B. swinging C. fluctuating D. waving
A scientists at the University of Bern in Switzerland have used a weakened virus that is not_____ and has proved safe and effective.
A. infectious B. harmful C. dangerous D. invading
D has also been greatly_the rapid development of some developing nations.
A. lain in B. consisted in C. responsible for D. accounted for
B 49. If no one asks any question,I_everybody understands.
A. deduce B. presume C. pretend D. presuppose
C was important for any lecturer to get the audience_right at the