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上传人:世界末末日 2022/8/21 文件大小:16 KB




双十一 Double Eleven 光棍节 Singles’ Day
剁手党 Hands-chopping people 秒杀Seckilling
预between the real retail
business operators. is it right that such consumption patterns should continue? a
net friend said he bought a clothes for his son,but the result is like this。 we should think about the demand, identify if the goods is cheaper over a long
period。think more before you buy unless you are a rich person、 thank you for your listening!篇二:英语演讲淘宝双十一 singles’ day shopping dayma yun had already aimed at the rural consumption. he will push a new shopping
carnival in february 2022. and he also cooperated with the taiwan farmers in the rice
production. both and the managers believe that through its worldwide shopping
website, consumers will get great benefits. surely, online shopping bring us a lot of benefits, fresh, cheap, and convenience.

it improves people’s life quality and creates more jobs. it makes good effects on
the :双十一 英文写作 double eleven: a curse or blessing? november 11th is the untitled festival original for single people, but it
gradually transforms into shopping carnival. it not only takes place in china,but
also spreading other
countries. especially countries alongside the


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