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乌鸦和狐狸 英语小故事.doc

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乌鸦和狐狸 英语小故事.doc

上传人:wz_198614 2017/10/1 文件大小:19 KB


乌鸦和狐狸 英语小故事.doc


The Fox and the Crow
Chapter 1
Long long ago,there are a fox and a crow in the crow once made a nest on a tree. But she ignored an important thing, that is, her neighbourhood---the fox, which is lived in a hole under the day, the crow found a piece of meat, carrying it with her mouth and standing on the branch, she felt very happy. while at that time the fox came out from his hole and noticed this scene, he was quite eager to eat the meat and cannot help to swallowing his mouth water.
He though t;" The piece of meat must be very delicious, but how could I get it?"
The fox thought a minute, then smiled to the crow and said,"Dear crow, your feathers is more beautiful than the peacock, and you should be the king of the birds just because of your look."
The crow listened, but have any reaction to it.
Then the fox continued:" Dear crow, your voice was more beautiful than the nightingale, but you never show yourself to us, to be honest,I have never seen the second singer like you!"
The crow gave a glimpse to the fox, and still kept silent.
So the fox continued. "Oh! dear , you are so beautiful , but without a touching song, I'm afraid you can not e the king of birds. If you can match your beauty with a sweet singing? Then you will really be suit for this glorious title. "
After hearing this ,the crow felt so happy that be


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