作者:陈伟龙, 陈展胜, 叶冬松, 陈锦贤作者单位:广东省汕头市澄海区人民医院耳鼻咽喉科,广东汕头 515800
【摘要】目的:探讨严重或顽固性鼻腔出血的鼻内窥镜下微创治疗方式。方法:通过我科自2005年1月至2008年6月收治鼻腔出血中比较严重或顽固性75例,采用鼻内窥镜下微创治疗,经鼻内镜下检查并针对出血点选择性局部处理止血的临床资料进行疗效分析。结果:本组75例比较严重或顽固性鼻腔出血患者采取鼻内窥镜直视下检查并对出血点进行处理,均达到满意止血效果,术后门诊随访3个月,均无复发。结论:鼻内窥镜直视下选择局部处理治疗比较严重或顽固性鼻腔出血,疗效肯定、优点明显, 符合目前微创治疗的医学概念及原则,适合于鼻腔绝大多数部位的出血,尤其适用于鼻腔出血位置隐蔽的患者。是目前治疗鼻腔出血有效、快捷、微创、值得临床普遍推广的治疗手段。
【关键词】鼻内窥镜; 微创; 严重或顽固性; 鼻腔出血; 疗效
The Therapeutic Effect of Minimally Invasive Treatment to Serious/Intractable Epistaxis under Nasal Endoscopic
CHEN Wei-long, CHEN Zhan-sheng, YE Dong-song, et al
(The People's Hospital of Chenghai District, Guangdong Shantou 515800, China)
Abstract:Objective:To discusse the minimal invasiveness therapeutic
modalities of the severity or refatoriness epistaxis treated with nasal endoscopic . Method: We collected and analyzed the therapeutic effect of the 75 cases with severity or refatoriness epistaxis in our abteilung from Jan. 2005 to Jun. 2008, all the patients had been examed by the Nasal endoscopic and treated with selectivity local hemostasis for the hemorrhagic spot. Result:All 75 cases with severity or refatoriness epistaxis treated with selectivity local hemostasis for the hemorrhagic spot by the nasal endoscopic, had good effect of stopping bleeding. There's no recurrence following up for 3 months after operation. Conc