Business Contract
Distribution Service Agreement
1. Definition: The agreement is that the products made by the manufacturer are sold by the distributors or other enterprises and the after-sale services are offered by the manufacturer.
1. Parties
2. Names of the distributed products and the content of services
3. Price and preferential measures
4. The range of distribution
5. The number of distributed products and requirements of the total amount
6. Protective measures
7. Restrictive business practices
8. Account settlement way
9. Publicity
10. Signature and date
Writing notes
When drafting and concluding the agreement, we should pay attention to making clear the following clauses:
1. Prices and preferential measures
2. the range of distribution
3. The number of distributed products and requirements of the total amount
These above written, the words must be clear, and easy to understand to avoid the disputes of distribution to the great extent.
Specimen 1
Contract of the Exclusive Dealership
经双方友好协商,甲方愿委任______作为_______ 销售其产品的独家经销商。为了明确双方的权利和义务,特订立本协议。
电话: 传真: E-mail:
电话: 传真: E-mail:
Clause 1 The relationship Within the validity of this agreement, the relationship between Party A and …company is just seller and buyer. The right of agency is not inclusive, that is, any party cannot authorize the third party to represent another party. If this results in the damage of another party, the party breaking the agreement shall be liable pensation and bear legal liability.
2. Product The products in the agreement mean the products manufactured by Party A.
3. Right of distribution Party A pany in the field with the rights of exclusive import and marketing its products.
4. Exclusive selling rights Party A cannot