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cad技巧(CAD skills).doc

上传人:rjmy2261 2017/11/13 文件大小:30 KB


cad技巧(CAD skills).doc


文档介绍:cad技巧(CAD skills)
1. why does my Auto CAD copy the object far away from the mouse control point when using ctrl+c replication?. How to solve this problem?
In the clipboard copy function in CAD, the default base point is in the lower left corner of the graph. It's better to copy it with base points, so you can specify the required base points. With base points
System is the product of CAD bined with WINDOWS clipboard. There is mand in the edit menu or right-click menu.
2. I have been using the text font and text output Chinese characters, letters and numbers are basically the same size. But some symbols are not available. And take up space
Big. Try another font, but the difference between text and numbers is too large. What kind of fonts do you use?. And how to change some words in the input text
Body style, moving is a whole.
Using multiline text.
3. how can I measure the length of polyline and polyline with arcs?
Just use the mand (list)!
4. how to divide geometric shapes? How to divide a rectangle into any N * M rectangle, or divide the circle into N parts or equal angles.
The mand is just equal to the line segment, and can not be equal to other geometric figures. Direct bisection geometry does not have such a function. But when you're right
When the two sides of the shape are equally divided into M and N, can they not be equal to the rectangle?
5. ask mand can quickly cancel the mand, that is, undo pull, and input "U" again, it is very troublesome, whether there is a return to the last save mand time
What about the operation?
In fact, CAD has already existed. It's the mand, not U".
Please see the prompt after the mand:
Command: undo
Enter the number of operations to be dropped or [automatic (A) / control (C) / start (BE) / end (E) / mark (M) / retreat (B)]
You can use mand line UNDO option to give up multiple operations at a time. "Start" and "end" define a number of operations as a set of "markers" and "returns"
Abandon all operations, cooper


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