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ug nx8.0 快捷键(Nx8.0 快捷键 UG).doc

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ug nx8.0 快捷键(Nx8.0 快捷键 UG).doc

上传人:rjmy2261 2017/11/27 文件大小:22 KB


ug nx8.0 快捷键(Nx8.0 快捷键 UG).doc


文档介绍:ug 快捷键( 快捷键 UG)
File (F) - new (N)... Ctrl+N UG_FILE_NEW Global
File (F) - Open (O)... Ctrl+O UG_FILE_OPEN Global
File (F) - save (S) Ctrl+S UG_FILE_SAVE_PART Global
File (F) - save as (A)... Ctrl+ shift +A UG_FILE_SAVE_AS Global
File (F) - drawing (L)... Ctrl+P UG_FILE_PLOT Global
File (F) - execution (T) -Grip... Ctrl+G UG_FILE_RUN_GRIP Global
File (F) - execution (T) -Grip debugging (D)... Ctrl+ shift +G UG_FILE_RUN_GRIP_DEBUG Global
File (F) - execution (T) -NX Open... Ctrl+U UG_FILE_RUN_UFUN Global
File (F) - complete sketch (K) Ctrl+Q UG_DIRECT_SKETCH_FINISH only application module
Q Application module only
Edit (E) - undo list (U) -1 enters the "modeling" Ctrl+Z UG_EDIT_UNDO Global
Edit (E) - redo (R) Ctrl+Y UG_EDIT_REDO Global
Edit (E) - cut (T) Ctrl+X UG_EDIT_CUT Global
Edit (E) - copy (C) Ctrl+C UG_EDIT_COPY Global
Edit (E) - paste (P) Ctrl+V UG_EDIT_PASTE Global
Edit (E) - delete (D)... Ctrl+D UG_EDIT_DELETE Global
Delete Global
Edit (E) - select (L) - highest selection priority - feature (F) shift +F UG_SEL_FEATURE_PRIORITY Global
Edit (E) - select (L) - highest selection priority plane (A) shift +G UG_SEL_FACE_PRIORITY Global
Edit (E) - select (L) - highest selection priority body (B) shift +B UG_SEL_BODY_PRIORITY Global
Edit (E) - select (L) - highest selection priority - side (E) shift +E UG_SEL_EDGE_PRIORITY Global
Edit (E) - select (L) - highest selection priority - component (C) shift +C PONENT_PRIORITY Global
The editor (E) - (L) - (A) Ctrl+A UG_SEL_SELECT_ALL Global Select
Edit (E) - object display (J)... Ctrl+J UG_EDIT_OBJECT_DISPLAY Global
Edit (E) - display and hide (H) - display and hide (O)... Ctrl+W UG_EDIT_MD_SHOWHIDE_ALL Global
Edit (E) - display and hide (H) - immediate hide (M)... Ctrl+ shift +I UG_EDIT_ONE_PICK_HIDE Global
Edit (E) - display and hide (H) - Hide (H)... Ctrl+B UG_EDIT_BLANK_SELECTED Global
Edit (E) - display and hide (H) - display (S)... Ctrl+ shift +K UG_EDIT_UNBLANK_SELECTED Globa