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文档介绍:The Motorola Six Sigma Black Belt Program is a society of experts bined skills in Six Sigma tools, proven leadership and vast working will help Motorola achieve goals in continuous improvement toward Total Customer Satisfaction.
What is the Six Sigma Black Belt Program?
Motorola has set forth-key initiatives as a means of meeting our fundamental objective of Total Customer Satisfaction. Key initiatives include Six Sigma Quality, Total Cycle Time Reduction, and Product and Manufacturing leadership. The Motorola Chief Executive Office mitted to achieve Six Sigma and beyond results in everything we do, and strive for a 10X reduction in defects every two years.
In order for each business unit to make the breakthrough improvements required to reach the Six Sigma and beyond goals, it will be important to identify, develop and support a cadre of individuals from all disciplines who will champion the use of quality improvement tools and strategies. This infrastructure must be in place if change is to occur, and if the knowledge and skills supporting such change are to be transferred to, and utilized within, each business unit. This infrastructure can be used by the business units as leverage to drive improvements in both quality systems and new product development cycle time.
Six Sigma champions will be selected from engineering, manufacturing, service and support areas, and, when