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PART I  VOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points, point each)
Directions: Choose the word or expression below each sentence that pletes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
1. Ten years ago, a house with a decent bathroom was a __________ symbol among university professors.
A. post                 B. status
C. position                  D. place
2. It would be far better if collectors could be persuaded to spend their time and money in support of ___________ archaeological research.
A. legible               B. legitimate
C. legislative              D. illicit
3. We seek a society that has at its __________ a respect for the dignity and worth of the individual.
A. end                B. hand
C. core               D. best  
4. A variety of problems have greatly _________the country’s normal educational development.
   A. impeded            B. imparted
   C. implored              D. implemented
5. A good education is an asset you can ________for the rest of your life.
   A. spell out             B. call upon
   C. fall over             D. resort to
6. Oil can change a society more ____________ than anyone could ever have imagined.
A. grossly               B. severely
C. rapidly               D. drastically 
7. Beneath its myriad rules, the fundamental purpose of ___________ is to make the world a pleasanter place to live in, and you a more pleasant person to live with.
A. elitism                   B. eloquence   
C. eminence              D. etiquette
8. The New Testament was not only written in the Greek language, but ideas derived from Greek philosophy were _____________ in many parts of it.
A. altered               B. criticized
C. incorporated              D. translated 
9. Nobody will ever know the agony I go __________ waiting for him e home.
A. over                                B. with
C. down