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文档介绍:The differences of eating habits between British and American
American everyday life access to the most foods such as hamburgers, Fried chicken and pizza, sauce noodles, tower rolls, sandwiches, hot dogs, French fries, doughnuts which are all from Western Europe into early.
steak, lamb chops, dog steaks and fish row is not America's first invention of food, so many people use strict view, strict measure think those can’t be considered American cuisine.
the poor cooking level of early American
First, history and culture of length and depth insufficiently.
Due to the early immigrants (British Puritan 清教徒 and American pioneers美国拓荒者) influence, the traditional American dishes like traditional Yankee, it features a “truly ruggedly粗犷实在,”
Edible fresh raw materials, without additives, flavoring。Whether roast, decoct, fry ,people don’t pay attention plicated work (where all but a few dishes). There's not much fancy decoration, and people eat all food which put in the plate .
No doubt, Americans all acknowledges that European dishes are the ancestors of American cuisine. European food as "root“ of American cuisine, again after his own cultivation, the American cuisine grow strong branches and gradually set up own subject.
As a country for immigration, Now American cuisine characteristics of each country fusion.
The west of America, there are abundant seafood, the most fresh vegetables and the most various fruit.
American has the famous California cuisine (加州菜) and the Asian fusion cuisine characteristic of Asian food (亚洲特色融合菜).
British dishes
British food cooking, know as a family delicacies food. British cuisine is characteristic of less of oil, light, seasoning with less wine, and condiments are mostly on the counter for the guest himself to choose. Cook exquisite fresh and tender, lightly taste and often choose seafood and all kinds of vegetables 。 food volume required fewer but better.
British cuisine cooking method advantage of steaming, boiling burn, fume ar