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文档介绍:例句: October 1, 1949 is the day.
The People's Republic of China was
founded on that day.
October 1,1949 is the day when the
People’s Republic of China was founded.
on which
1. This is the house.
They put their tools in it.
This is the house where they put their
in which
2. Monday is the day.
We e on that day.
Monday is the day when we e.
3. This is the reason. I left for a reason.
This is the reason why I left .
4. July is the month.
The weather is usually the hottest in that month.
July is the month when the weather is
usually the hottest.
5. April Fool's Day is that special day of the year.
On the day you should play a joke on someone.
April Fool’s Day is that special day of the
year when you should play a joke on someone.
6. The city was beautiful.
We spent our vacation there.
The city was beautiful .
where we spent our vacation
7. That is the restaurant.
I will meet you there.
That is the restaurant where I will meet you.
8. The town is small.
I grew up there.
The town where I grew up is small.
in which
9. March 10, 1876 was the day.
On that day the plete sentence was sent over a phone.
March 10, 1876 was the day when the first
complete sentence was sent over a phone.
on which


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