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Crime 美柔.ppt

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Crime 美柔.ppt




Crime is one of the most serious problems facing America. President Nixon once remarked that crime is the “ enemy”& that “we must declare war against it”.
Annual publication of the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation).
Serious Crime Index: 4 types of property crimes(burglary , larceny 偷窃 over $50, motor-vehicle theft, & arson 纵火)& 4 types of crimes against persons(willful homicide 故意***罪,forcible rape, aggravated assault 暴力袭击& robbery).
Number of Reported Serious Crimes,1985
Crimes Number Arson (not provided) Murder 18,976 Forcible rape 87,340 Robbery 497,874 Aggravated assault 723,246 Burglary 3,073,348 Larceny-theft 6,926,380 Motor-vehicle theft 1,102,862 Total 12,430,026
Crime Clock: the occurrence of reported crimes according to time in the United States
--- 1 every 28 minutes
rape --- 1 every 6 minutes
--- 1 every 63 seconds
assault --- 1 every 44 seconds
-vehicle theft --- 1 every 29 seconds
crime --- 1 every 24 seconds
--- 1 every 10 seconds
crime --- 1 every 3 seconds
Seriousness of the Violent crime
Serious, violent crime has reached alarming proportions in the United States.
A survey by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration(LEAA) found that
61% of all women feel unsafe in their own neighborhoods at night;
45% of the population is afraid to walk alone at night near their own homes;
Those arrested for crimes are likely to be males, young, a member of a racial minority & a city resident.
Males are arrested about 4 times as often as females. Reasons:
1)the sex role stereotyping which encourages males to be aggressive . 2) the tendency of police officers & the court to deal more leniently(宽松)with female offenders.
In 1985, 31% of all arrests were of persons under the age of 21, and 50% of all arrests were persons under the age of 25. (high arrest rate among juve


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