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Todd Stern
Special Envoy for Climate Change 
Bonn, Germany
March 29, 2009
SPECIAL ENVOY STERN: I would like to say a few words before taking your questions. I'm very pleased to be here in Bonn representing the . in my capacity as the Special Envoy of the President for Climate Change. I am glad to have Jonathan Pershing with me and our whole team here. I look forward to joining the opening plenary session this afternoon and to making the first intervention on behalf of the United States.
My team and I came here determined to make up for lost time. America is now once again mitted to developing a global response to climate change. We do not doubt the science, we do not doubt the urgency, and we do not doubt the enormity of the challenge before us. President Obama and his Administration are mitted to action, both at home – where that action is well underway already – and abroad. During the past two days in Bonn, we have had productive discussions with representatives from many countries, both developed and developing.
Let me say, in the course of our conversations here and in the course of conversations that I have had over the past six weeks -- we have been doing a lot of listening, a lot of sharing of ideas with many of my counterparts -- I am more convinced than ever that it is important that we be guided in these negotiations by bination of science and pragma


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