文档介绍:Index of Tables
Table 1 General Stages of the Process Approach………………….......................……...…… 13
Table 2 Description of Feedback Categories………………………….......................……...…….29
Table 3 Description of Questionnaire…………………………………...................… 34
Table 4 Description of Groups and Gender……………………...................………….......… 37
Table 5 Descriptive Data for Pre-test……………………………....................…......… 39
Table 6 One-Way ANOVA of Pre-test Scores between Male and Female 39
Table 7 One-Way ANOVA of Pre-test Scores among Four Groups 39
Table 8 Revision Source from Draft 1 to Draft 2. 40
Table 9 Revision Source from Draft 2 to Draft 3. 41
Table 10 Descriptive Statistics for Post Test 41
Table 11 One-Way ANOVA of Final Scores between Male and Female 42
Table 12 One-Way ANOVA of Final Scores among Four Groups 42
Table 13 Paired Samples T Test of Control Group 43
Table 14 Paired Samples T Test of Group 1. 43
Table 15 Paired Samples T Test of Group 2. 44
Table 16 Paired Samples T Test of Group 3. 44
Table 17 Results of Ordinary Linear Regression 45
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I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisors, Professor Kong Fanjin, Professor Wang Huizhou, Professor Zhu Yan, for their insightful advice and constant encouragements that have helped me develop and refine my ideas throughout the development of the study. They generously gave their time and energy in revising my thesis. And they contributed many wonderful ideas that helped me enrich my study. This thesis would not have been plished without their valuable guidance and elaborate