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文档介绍:The Tale of Hachiko
_____a brief introduction about the movie
_______the analysis of the main characters
Based on a true story from Japan, The Tale of Hachiko is a moving film about loyalty.
meet at the train
take the dog home
Cate refuses to keep the dog.
Parker promises to find him an owner the next day.
No es to adopt the dog.
Ken named the dog Hachi.
Hachi refuses to fetch.
Cate refuses the caller who want to adopt Hachi and decides to keep the dog.
Hachi and Parker are as close as ever.
One morning,Hachi sneaks out and follows Parker to the train station.
That afternoon, Hachi sneaks out again and walks to the train station, waiting for Parker.
This continues for some morning,Hachi barks and refuses to send Parker to work.
Parker eventually leaves without him, but Hachi chases him, holding his ball.
The professor died suddenly because of a fatal heart attack.
Hachi waits patiently as the train arrives, but there is no sign of Parker. He remains, lying in the snow, for several hours, until Parker's son-in-law es to collect him. The next day, Hachi returns to the station and waits, remaining all day and all night. As time passes, Cate sells the house and Hachi is sent to live with her daughter Andy.


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