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The subj ect research in translation has experienced author-centered, and translator-centered to the shift from subjectivity to inter-subjectivity in philosophy and the limit resulting from over-exaggerating one single subj ectivity,translation studies has put more emphasis to interrelationships of the three subjects in translation, such as the source--text author,the translator and the target··text readeL
whose munication assures their coexistence objectively.
By furthering intersubjectivity research of different philosophies,it can be seen that subj ect is not confined to human and the objective world is also a subj when the world is considered as a subj ect,not an object,can the externalism be eliminated munication and dialogue and grasped by the subject,thus be harmonious with the subject and e the real ,the temporal,social and cultural backgrounds where subj ects live are all manifestation of subj ectivities. Correspondingly,in translation studies,the translator is not an isolated subject when highlighting his subjectivity in the translation
display of his subjectivity is limited by the author subject and the reader
subject,the text subject,or even the sponsor subject and SO on.
From a macro view,translation is munication of knowledge
and cultures among different nations,languages,spaces and times. Intersubjectivity in literary translation refers to the equal and dynamic interrelatedness and interaction among the subj ects of literary translation. The nature of literary translation determines that the source text author (hereafter shortened for STA),the translator,the target text reader (hereafter shortened for TTR)and the text are creative subj ect,translation
Although the father and son have the similar starting points,Yu Fei has his own interpretation to the original text and STA,which presents kind of translator’S source text quotes many Chinese literary poetry or c


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