Main contents
The definition of idioms
The similarities between Chinese and English idioms
The definition of Idioms
According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English , an “idiom" refers to “ a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit”. English idioms mainly include set phrases or expressions, colloquialism(俗语), proverbs (谚语)and slangs(俚语).
The similarities between Chinese and English idioms
Both China and Britain have a long-time history, ancient civilization and glorious culture. Both the two countries have the similar experience and thought. During munication of the two countries, cultures are interacting. This made some idioms have the same or similar culture characteristic
Therefore, the idioms are corresponding no matter in meaning, image cultural flavor. In such condition, we could use the source language to translate the target language directly.
Failure is the mother of ess .失败乃成功之母
Misfortunes e singly .祸不单行
A wolf in sheep’s clothing .披着羊皮的狼
Pour oil on
Constant dropping wears the stone .水滴石穿
to turn one’s boat 破釜沉舟
bull market 牛市
bear market 熊市
e, easy go来得容易,去得快
All these show the similarities between the two cultures. When do translating, we can translate directly.
Cultural Differences Reflected by Chinese and English Idioms
Main contents
﹡Different Living Environments
﹡Different Social Customs
﹡Different Religions and Believes
﹡Different Historic Allusion
1 Different Living Environments
a sea of troubles 无尽的烦恼
at sea 不知所措
All these idioms have no relation with sea when they are translated into Chinese.
﹡follow the vine to get the melon 顺藤摸瓜